It’s Mary Shannon Podcast

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Acts Part 2 Week 3 - Its Mary Shannon
Hillary Hoffpauir Hillary Hoffpauir

Acts Part 2 Week 3 - Its Mary Shannon

Grab your Bible and notebook and join along as Shannon continues review from last year. She sets us up with the bigger picture of the Bible, she shows us what the human condition is, before Jesus, and why its so important for us to know the story of the Old Testament in order to see Jesus fulfill God's prophecy in Genesis 3:15. Next week will be the last week of review before we dive head first into Acts part 2. If you haven't caught up yet, episodes 1 and 2 are out on my Youtube channel! Thanks for watching!

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Acts Week 28- It’s Mary Shannon
Taler Brabbs Taler Brabbs

Acts Week 28- It’s Mary Shannon

Shannon finishes season 5 with chapter 11 of Acts. She reminds us of all that Acts teaches us about the church, about the importance of fellowship, and getting faces in the book. She urges us to recognize the Spirit, tend it, and let it lead to transformation.

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