It’s Mary Shannon Podcast
Available on Apple Podcast, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts!

Acts Week 3- It’s Mary Shannon
Shannon finishes Acts 1 focusing on the disciplines gathering in the upper room after Jesus ascension, which is often overlooked in churches. She discusses the emotions of the disciples, the power of Peter's references to the Psalms, and helps her listeners to understand the purpose of emotion in the scriptures.

Acts Week 2- It’s Mary Shannon
Shannon continues with her introduction of Acts, teaching some of the foundations of the book, reminding her audience that Jesus is the fulfillment of scripture, and informs them on historical and cultural contexts in the book.

The Book of Daniel (Week 21)
This week, Shannon begins Daniel 9. She discusses the importance of questioning and perhaps being willing to change manmade ideas and perspectives on the second coming of the King.

The Book of Daniel (Week 12)
Shannon teaches on the King of Belshazzar, a feast, the dreams, and the use of Daniel's life, even during his old age. She reminds her listeners that no one is in retirement when it comes to the Kingdom of God and encourages each person to keep working for the Kingdom, until the time comes.